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If you miss school, you miss out, and we miss you!

Too many absences – excused or unexcused – can keep student from succeeding in school and in life.
How many is too many? 10% or the school year – that’s 2 days a month.

Reporting an Absence:

Please report absences as soon as possible by calling:  

The Board of Education amended administrative regulation 5113(a).
The policy now reads, "Absences must be cleared within 5 school days after the student returns to school." 

Early Pick-up:


If you need to pick your child up early from school for an appointment, Please call 760-901-7000 with the time of their departure from school.

We will do our best to have them in the office at that time. 

*Staff cannot summon a student from class within the last 15 minutes of the school day*